
Space Patrol: Co-op adventure is a cooperative online multiplayer game released for Andoid and iOS. Its core gameplay idea is easy-to-learn but hard-to-master: two players control a single space ship - one of them (The Pilot) steers the ship while the other (The Operator) controls the Vacuum Gun installed on it. These teams of two players play against the environment (PvE) or against each other (PvP) similar to games such as Brawl Stars.

The key thing in this game is coordination. Players must learn to help each other in order to fulfil their mutual goal. The Pilot must steer the ship towards important locations and avoid obstacles while The Operator defends the ship from enemies, gathers resources and performs simple tasks with the Vacuum Gun's tractor beam push/pull mechanics.

The key things I did during this development:

  • designed and implemented all gameplay mechanics from scratch to finish
  • designed and implemented all 10 levels in the game as well as the concept for 10 more
  • created a core mechanic which is equally fun in PvE and PvP modes
  • designed the AI behaviour of all enemies in the game
  • created the story, setting and gameplay thematic for two more worlds besides the one present in the game
  • designed the character progression, the market and the achievement system for a better retention rate
  • was the project lead and coordinator of a team of developers, artists and counselors
  • had a major part in the art direction, working closely with the other artists and art directors
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